I’m so new at this and ask your indulgence with my musings, so here I go!!
I have been so wrong believing that happiness would come tomorrow instead of being happy and enjoying today!!
Some of you will, at some point, find some mistakes in my spelling, syntax this and that, but let me tell you, I was not born nor did I attend school in this country. When I first came to the U.S, I was unable to speak English, was the mother of two young boys and worst of all, I came in the middle of winter!! When I left my native country and before boarding the plane that brought me and my sons to join my husband, the last person to hug me was my now late father who told me “You’re going to a new country where you will find many different things, people and a new language. Learn everything and assimilate everything, but never forget who you are and where you come from” I have never forgotten my father’s words. At first it was a very difficult time for me, but my mother always told us “necessity has a dog’s face” and I needed to learn English, pronto!!
Well, a few days after we arrived, a Saturday afternoon to be exact, my husband had gone to work and I was alone with my kids, there was a knock at the door and to my surprise there was a couple who were total estrangers to me and worst of all, neither them nor I could speak each other’s language, the couple turned out to be my in laws!! Somehow, me manage to “understand” each other, we bundled up my children and went off with my in laws to their home where I met the rest of the family. My husband arrived, we had lunch/dinner and went back home. My six sense told me that my mother in law didn’t like me because I had brown skin.
During those first months I was miserable. Having come from a beautiful country that is always green, it was depressing to look out of the window and only see trees with no leaves and no people walking by. But when spring came and I saw the gorgeous flower gardens and the trees getting their new leaves, and people walking their dogs I felt better, not much, but better. By the time December rolled around, I’m proud to say I was speaking English, was even trying to read and write it (dismal efforts) I had the best teachers: As the World Turns; Dark Shadows; etc. etc. So I guess I can say that I was kind of self-thought, don’t think?
Alright, enough for now, I hope that you’re not bored, yet. Please let me know if this amuses you or maybe see yourself in some way. I’m so happy to share my musings with you. Have a super happy, safe and blessed weekend, ’till next time!!
I have know you for many years, well, all my life to be exact! I am so very proud of you Mom! You have a amazing spirit and story and I, for one, am excited to learn more about your life… before me!!