Getting on with life

Life continued and summer rolled in, I couldn’t believe how hot, humid and long the days became.  I had never seen sun light after 5 p.m. and here it was 9 p.m. and the sun was shinning as if it were noon, that alone was a big novelty to me.  My two boys were learning to speak English very fast and when we were sitting outside with the neighbors or visiting my sister in law’s home, my eldest son would ask me not to speak Spanish in front of people who didn’t understand; his words:  “Is not polite”

Soon after I arrived, I found out that I was expecting my third child, my first daughter whose birth was very unusual.  Since fall had set in, my husband decided to take us for a drive to see the fall leaves, and what a sight they were.  That too was a new experience.  There were purple leaves, and orange leaves, and red leaves, and yellow leaves and then one could see the gold top of the wheat fields swaying in the wind, absolutely beautiful, a true feast for the eyes.  When we set out, the day was cool and clear and we were enjoying the gorgeous views along the two lane, winding river road.  We stopped at a small town along the way, had lunch and started heading back.  All of a sudden, I felt some cramps, turned to look at my husband and told him that I thought a was in labor; he said, no you can’t be and said I had two more weeks to go.  Allow me to tell you that I was fortunate to not suffer for too long with labor pain and my two previous children had been born early.  My husband continued to drive, but then I felt stronger pain and told him to turn around that we had just passed a small hospital; he had to drive farther down the road before he could find a place where he could make a safe turn,; however, when he was making the turn my water broke.   Remember that this was a two lane road and with Sunday drivers it was slow going.   The moment came when I could no longer hold back and right there, by the river side and with my two sons leaning over the back of the seat, my husband driving with one hand while with the other receiving our beautiful baby girl who made her wailing entrance into the world.  Sure enough, my daughter was born two weeks early.  The boys were so excited to see their baby sister and asked how she came to be in the car, but quickly started calling her “Baby Magic”

My husband had stopped the car, got out and came around to my side, opened de car door and bending down he took his daughter and very tenderly kissed her, placed her over my stomach and covered her with a sweater I had been wearing.  Getting back into the car, my husband started driving again and we arrived at the small hospital, he ran in and told them that I had given birth in the car; he was not believed and the orderly brought out a wheel chair.  When he saw that I indeed had given birth, went back inside and brought out a gurney.  Needles to say, we were a novelty in the little hospital and everybody wanted to come in and see the baby who had been born in the car…  My Baby Magic!!  These days, my Baby Magic who has always been a wonderful, thoughtful and loving daughter, is a mother herself, and an awesome mother she is!

I’m wondering, is anybody out there reading my musings??  What do you think?  Ok, enough for now and “till next time!!