I shared with you about my friend and reader taking the time to find The Mark of the Lion and have it sent to me; as you know, I was elated when I opened the parcel and found the book; well, a few days later I celebrated my birthday and my youngest daughter and her fiancée drove from their home, almost four hours away, and came to share their time with me first for Mothers Day and my birthday which was the day after. Before coming to the house my baby girl and her honey went to the store and bought a variety of cheeses, crackers, sausage and beer. Upon getting to the house, my daughter started to arrange platters with the goodies and my soon to be son-in-law presented me with a gift: a Mexican Train game set, I was so happy because since I learned to play the game I love it. The three of us sat around the table gorging ourselves with the yummy cheeses and every thing else, sipping beer, talking and laughing. After a while, we started playing Mexican train and we played until a little after midnight. I was a very happy camper, all of that was my Mother’s Day gift.
To celebrate my birthday, that awesome couple took me to dinner. We chose Italian food and went to Carrabas. After being shown to our table, we ordered wine and appetizers, ordered our dinner and when we finished eating, my daughter presented me with two gifts; can you guess what one of those gifts was? No? Well, it was a copy of The Mark of the Lion which my daughter and her fiancée searched the internet and found it in Australia!! The book was ordered and they had it in their possession since March, so when she responded to my text message to my children asking who had bought the book for me, her answer saying me was true!! How lucky can a person be, to have different people taking time from their busy lives to search, find, purchase and give me a book that I have, for many years, wish I could truly read and enjoy; so now I say thank you to my thoughtful daughter and her fiancé for their kindness and love, I’m forever grateful!
Yes, I’m reading my book and going back and re reading the chapters because I don’t want to miss anything but really absorbe every bit of this man, Charles Upham’s life; to me is awe inspiring. If you ever have the opportunity to read The Mark of the Lion, read it; I promise you will not be disappointed.